
Green Canyon, A Piece of Heaven in Ciamis


Green Canyon is located at the Kertayasa Village, in the Ciamis Regency, West Java Province, about 31 km or 45 minutes drive from Pangandaran Beach. Originally called “Cukang Taneuh”- the local Sundanese meaning for Soil Bridge- Green Canyon has a 3 meters wide bridge made up of soil above the twin cliffs on both river banks. This natural wonder is surely a spectacular scene that you will not find anywhere else. The name Green Canyon is believed to have been dubbed by a French tourist who came to the location in 1993. It is said that the clear green water of the river and the abundant green moss on the cliff had given it its popular name.

As you arrive at the main entrance, which is the parking lot of Green Canyon, you will see a row of wooden boats popularly called “Ketinting” lining up by the river. The ketinting will then take you on a ride down the river, splitting the clear green water and creating small wave on both sides. From the boat, you will see green forest trees along the banks, and sometimes snakes or lizards jumping into the river, or come up to surface.

Located not too far from Pangandaran, Green Canyon is a must for those who plan to visit Pangandaran. “A piece of heaven on earth”, as those who have been there describe it. A true Natural Wonder hiding behind the thick bushes and trees of Pangandaran’s forests. If you think you have never heard about this place, it is only because Green Canyon is the best kept Secret of Pangandaran.


Get There

You must first fly or travel by car or train to Bandung. There are direct international flights from Malaysia and Singapore to Bandung. A number of “City Trans” companies operate comfortable, sometimes luxurious buses between Jakarta and Bandung.

From Bandung, the means to get to Pangandaran is by bus, or rented car. If you use public transportation, from the Pangandaran Terminal you can take a minibus headed to Cijulang Terminal. From the Cijulang terminal, the trip continues on ojek popular bike taxies found almost everywhere in Indonesia.


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