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Cap Go Meh Celebrations in Indonesia and Where to Find Them


The upcoming Cap Go Meh festival will be held on March, 2nd 2018, marking the last day of the Chinese New Year or Imlek. The festival means "the 15th night", hence, it is celebrated 15 days after Imlek, when the full moon will be at its brightest. Chinese descendants all over the world, including Chinese-Indonesian, celebrate this day with vibrant festivals.

For the Chinese-Indonesians, the tradition is as important as Imlek. Major cities in Indonesia celebrates the occasion with joyous fanfare. The festival usually includes Barongsai (lion dance) performance, lantern parade, and delicious food festival. Traditionally, Chinese-Indonesians will celebrate on the eve of March 2nd with their families, but the the overall festival usually goes on until March, 4th.

So where can one go to take part in the celebration? Below we have listed seven places which will held Cap Go Meh festivals. Plan your trip now and don't miss out on the parade!


1 | Glodok (West Jakarta)

Image source: photo.liputan6.com

Cap Go Meh in Glodok is one of the most lively festivals in Indonesia. This year, Chinese-Indonesians in Jakarta will celebrate the occasion with an event called "Festival Pencinan & Cap Go Meh 2018 (Chinatown and Cap Go Meh Festival 2018)" from March 3rd-4th on Jalan Pancoran, Glodok. The festival will feature an array of food stalls, Barongsai performance, and a dog contest to welcome the year of the dog.


2 | Bogor (West Java)

Image source: bogor.net

Bogor will be hosting its Cap Go Meh festival March 2nd on Jalan Surya Kencana. The festival will showcase Indonesia's cultural diversity with a parade of art and cultural performances from all over Indonesia, including Kalimantan, Betawi, Javanese, and Chinese culture among others. Food vendors and market stalls will also take part during this day as the Bogor administration invites its citizens and those around them to join in the fun.


3 | Semarang (Central Java)

Image source: travel.grivy.com

Semarang is known to go all out during Chinese holidays, and for Cap Go Meh it is definitely one of the places to be. Following the full moon, Cap Go Meh celebration will begin on March, 2nd and continue to last for a few days. Those looking to celebrate in Semarang can go to Sam Po Kong temple, a tourist attraction that has historical significance for the Chinese-Indonesian community, and Pasar Semawis, a local market decorated with red and gold lanterns during the celebration.


4 | Singkawang & Pontianak (West Kalimantan)

Image source: Shutterstock

Singkawang offers a completely different way of celebrating this holiday, and that is by providing holiday tours. The tours include snorkelling and cycling around town, as well as a chance to see Barongsai dance in the city. For more details on Singkawang and the Cap Go Meh tour packages, feel free to click on the link below.


5 | Manado (North Sulawesi)

Image source: harian.analisadaily.com

In Manado, Cap Go Meh is a very religious occasion with prayers in the temple leading in the new year, followed by parade on the streets with musical performances and copious amount of food. If you are interested in partaking in the activities, we suggest visiting Bin Hin Kiong temple in Manado, but we do advise that you have the utmost respect for their traditions.


6 | Bintan (Riau Archipelago)

Image source: www.indonesiamandiri.id

Bintan is a beautiful island to celebrate this upcoming Cap Go Meh. This holiday destination is perfect for those looking to celebrate the festivity with their beloved. Expect Barongsai dance and an Imlek-themed night bazaar during Cap Go Meh. Bintan is a great place to go on any given day, especially during this special occasion.


7 | Kemaro Island (South Sumatera)

Image source: letsescape.me

Kamaro Island is located on a small delta of Musi River, about 6 km downstream of Ampera Bridge. Home to several Buddhist temples, the island is said to be a sacred place and it is here where the prayers for Cap Go Meh will be held. The beautiful island is also known as the island of love, making it a favourite destination for people in search for their other half or wishing for an everlasting relationship. During March 2nd-4th, the island will host events such as traditional dances and rituals that are worth visiting.


Photo source of header banner: www.travel.grivy.com


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