Ready to explore Riau Islands’magnificent marine wonders? Mark the dates and prepare yourself for the Riau Archipelago Marine Festival 2018, scheduled to take place from 21st to 24th September 2018. The event is centered at Tanjung Pinang, the capital city of the Riau Archipelago, on Bintan Island.
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The highlight of the Opening Ceremony on 21st September 2018, is when hundreds of jet skiers race in across the Malacca Strait from Singapore and Malaysia to Tanjung Pinang in a special parade. This is followed by a range of activities that include a fun walk, a massive Health Exercise, a wonderful Riau Islands’ themed painting competition, a culinary bazaar, and a series of art and cultural performances. A day prior to the festivities, an environmental awareness campaign in the form of tree planting will be held on Dompak Island on 20th September 2018, a symbol of sustainable tourism development which is adhered to in the Riau Islands.
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The festival will also be highlighted with exciting Sampan and traditional longboats races. Showcasing the unique culture of the Riau Islands, a special stage for artistic expressions will feature numerous traditional dances, music, poetry, rhyme plays, and a lot more. Meanwhile, besides parading across the Malacca Strait, Jet skiers will present a thrilling exhibition showing their skills at making amazing maneuvers and tricks.
Image source: Shutterstock
“The Riau Islands Marine Festival is guaranteed to be fantastic! There will always be surprises that will definitely amaze tourists. As part of the 100 wonderful events of the Ministry of Tourism, this event is simply a must for you to watch and participate in!” assured Indonesia’s Tourism Minister, Arief Yahya.
Image source: Shutterstock
As for accessibility, the Riau Islands have the Raja Haji Fisabililah International airport at Tanjung Pinang. Here planes fly to and from Jakarta, and many other major cities across the Indonesian islands and abroad.
Image source: Shutterstock
The airport is the main air hub of the province which makes it easy to reach the festival. While those arriving from Singapore and Malaysia are more familiar with the ferries since they offer fast and comfortable transport. There are a number of ferry services that serve the route between Singapore and Malaysia to Tanjung Pinang. You can take the ferry that takes you to North Bintan then drive overland to Tanjung Pinang or travel via Batam Island where you can do a little fun shopping before sailing on to Tanjung Pinang.
Image source of header banner: Shutterstock
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