Car Rental


Countryside with Handful of Rareness

Takengon is a 100 km town from the westernmost edge with population no more than 230,000. Takengon is the capital of Central Aceh district. It sits to offer you a handful of rareness you must see. The food is unique and it’s worth noting. Agro-tourism and activities around the Lake Laut Tawar (sea of fresh water) are the reasons to extend your stay. Not to mention the legend of a princess that turned into stone with her observable unseen guards. It has the visual concert of passing pine trees, series of tropical vegetations dotted with semi permanent dwellings, and stupefied looks of local children as your persevering labi-labi pass them by. The breeze would be gradually chillier on the coats of mists. Here, the average temperature is almost permanently around 20 degree Celsius, or a convenient 68 degree Fahrenheit.


Get There

Going to Takengon is convenience when you are in Banda Aceh. Please turn to Banda Aceh article for accessibility to capital city, Banda Aceh. From the capital city, you can take a bus or a rented car. In some cases, labi-labi (the local public transport in Banda Aceh) can also be rented for a trip to Takengon. It takes 8 hours to get there. 

From Banda Aceh, a traveler usually passes Bireun, which is an easy drive as the long road is almost straight. From Bireun to Takengon, a driver must pay extra attention to the road as it is winding and gorge is right at the side of the road. 

If you depart from Medan, take a bus from bus station going to Banda Aceh, and stop in Lhokseumawe. Medan-Lhokseumawe trip is about 4 hours. From Lhokseumawe to Takengon you can take a minibus and it takes 3 hours to get there. 

If you happen to be in Kutacane, there is also a public transportation going to Takengon, a town around an altitude of 1,200 meters. It is far different from Banda Aceh. When Banda Aceh becomes merrier as the night comes, in Takengon, it is the opposite. 


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